A Patient's Guide to The ExoDx Prostate Test
If you are a patient working with your physician to assess prostate cancer risk, there are two ways to order the ExoDx Prostate Test: At-Home Collection or In-Office Collection.
At-Home Collection
At-Home collection kit is delivered directly to a patient's home. The patient provides a sample and it is sent directly back to the laboratory via FedEx. The process is illustrated below.
In-Office Collection
In-office collection is performed in the office of your physician. The office can explain the collection process and will handle sending the sample into the testing laboratory.
View our video: Getting Started with the ExoDx Prostate Test
Ver el vídeo en español: Como colectar el ExoDX Exámen de Próstata en el consultorio médico

Watch our YouTube video: Getting Started with the ExoDx Prostate Test
En español: Empecemos con el kit de recolección de exámenes de próstata ExoDx Prostate Test
How to Provide a Sample At-Home
Watch our YouTube video for step-by-step instructions on submitting your sample with the At-Home Collection Kit.
A few simple reminders
- Upon receipt of kit, place the ice packs in the freezer
- Follow the collection instructions
- Reminder! Provide the collection date on your sample! Attach label to specimen & include collection date
- Send back via FedEx - call us for FedEx pickup
Tips: Ensure Your ExoDx Prostate Test is Successful
A few tips to ensure that your sample does not get rejected and need to be resubmitted.
- Ensure the sample collection container and associated paperwork are clearly marked with the patient’s full name and date of birth
- Follow specimen collection directions to obtain a full 15 mL “first catch” urine sample
- Store sample immediately in refrigerated conditions until it is packed
- Immediately notify medical staff if there is blood or other visible contaminants before submission

We Got You Covered: Patient Insurance and Payment information from ExoCARES
Find out more about our ExoCARES program for patient coverage information.
ExoCARES Program
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Still Have Questions?
View our Frequently Asked Questions by Patients about the ExoDx Prostate Test.